Improve your mpg

Image: Fuel Gauge

It costs a great deal of money to run a car these days so any small way in which you could reduce these costs should be considered very seriously indeed. Following fuel saving driving advice will not only save you money but it could also keep you safer and help the environment too.

The best way to improve your mpg is to leave the car at home and walk, of course this is not always possible or desirable but if you are physically able, the weather is nice and you haven’t got far to go – why not?

The most obvious tip is to slow down, you might arrive a few minutes later but you will certainly have increased your mpg.

Drive steadily. Rapid and aggressive acceleration and braking guzzles fuel and also adds wear and tear to your vehicle. Anticipating the road ahead helps to reduce braking and acceleration, and increases your mpg.

Don’t sit with the car engine idling for long periods of time, bad for the environment and your mpg.

Check regularly to ensure your tyres are inflated to the correct pressure, many drivers are unaware that this can have an effect on mpg.

Avoid using the air conditioning if possible, the heater blower and rear window heater will also have an effect but the a/c is the worst culprit for reducing mpg.

Check your air filter is in good condition, a clogged up filter reduces the flow of air into the engine and has an adverse effect on both performance and mpg.

Reducing weight makes perfect sense, remove anything you don’t need to carry around with you and store it at home instead, it will certainly give you more mpg.

Keep your vehicle regularly serviced. Look after your car and it will look after you, potential problems that may affect mpg will be spotted and taken care of before they cost you too much.

Consider a smaller car or even a hybrid. If you are thinking about buying a new car and can manage with a smaller one then it really does make good sense as it will be more fuel efficient. Hybrids are no longer considered “uncool” and they will save you money at the pumps.

By following the above tips you should make an improvement in your fuel economy, it may only be small – but every penny counts!